Legal Blog


When to Seek a Child Support Modification

Parents who divorce in North Carolina, or those who never married, are typically subject to a child support order so that the children of their union will be properly cared for. Support orders can be subject to modification under certain…

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Can a NC Child Support Order Be Modified?

If you’re a divorced parent or you were part of a paternity case, you may now be living under the terms of a child support order. Child support orders are legally-binding decrees from a family court that spell out when,…

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When Can Child Support Stop in North Carolina?

Child support will often cease when a child reaches the age of 18, but there are special circumstances that may change this requirement. If you are asking yourself, “when can child support stop,” speak directly with a North Carolina child…

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Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
