Legal Blog


The Importance of Getting a Paternity Test

You don’t need to be married to have children. However, practical legal matters relating to child custody and child support are more complicated for unmarried parents. When it comes time to make formal agreements, enforce visitation rights, and officially define…

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What Is Emancipation?

Emancipation is the process for someone younger than 18 to be legally considered an adult. North Carolina has specific requirements and considerations for individuals seeking emancipation. Keep reading to learn more about emancipation in North Carolina and its effect on…

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Know Your Rights as an Unmarried Parent in NC

Unmarried parents in North Carolina often feel the system is designed against them. And it can be the source of a lot of headaches when dealing with your child’s other parent or deciding custody, support, and visitation issues. But, despite…

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Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
