I cannot possibly begin to say how pleased I was with Mr. Breeden!

I cannot possibly begin to say how pleased I was with Mr. Breeden! Mr. Breeden was outstanding in every aspect of my case. First off Mr. Breeden took my case even with me living out of state. Mr. Breeden was all over my ex wife’s lawyers shenanigans at every turn. Mr. Breeders experience was critical in so many ways to put into this post but a few examples Mr. Breeden knew ways of “finding” records to prove or discredit statements made by the other teams witnesses, knowing how witnesses were going to play out even before they were on the stand, Mr. Breeden was all over everything! Being the dad from out of state going to NC with a female Judge and coming out with full primary physical custody….says it all. Thank you sir job very well done.

- Wayne C.

Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
