Legal Blog


What is Parental Alienation?

Child custody and visitation negations often bring out the ugly in people. When you are faced with a court order that only allows you to see your child part-time, you likely feel angry and bitter. These emotions grow if your…

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What Are My Rights as an Unmarried Parent?

Despite how traditional our country and legal system can seem, parental rights are not based on being married. While there are a few laws that connect marriage and parenting, most child matters focus on the biological and legal relationship between…

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What is Permanent Alimony?

As an experienced North Carolina alimony lawyer, Jonathan Breeden of the Breeden Law Office knows how hectic and painful a divorce can be. You may no longer get along with your spouse, and you may just want the process to…

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How Is Paternity Established in Court?

Establishing a child’s parentage when he or she is born into a marriage is usually quite simple. North Carolina automatically assumes a husband and wife are the parents of an infant born to the wife. Additionally, it is an easy…

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Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
