Legal Blog


What Do Police Look for in DWI Cases?

Being pulled over for driving while intoxicated is terrifying. You may be entirely confident you are sober, yet nervous enough to make mistakes that make you look inebriated. If you make a few too many mistakes, these can add up…

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How to Change Your Name After a Divorce

Divorces are difficult and complicated no matter how much money you and your spouse made, how much property you owned together, or whether or not you had kids. Of course, these factors can make a divorce more complex and contentious…

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What Are My Rights as an Unmarried Parent?

Despite how traditional our country and legal system can seem, parental rights are not based on being married. While there are a few laws that connect marriage and parenting, most child matters focus on the biological and legal relationship between…

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Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
