Caregiver Resources in Johnston & Harnett Counties

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Being a guardian or caregiver can be difficult. If you have taken on the role of a guardian or caregiver, the resources listed below may offer help in your position.

If you are a caregiver, attorney Jonathan Breeden can help answer any questions you have about your roles, rights, and responsibilities in North Carolina. Contact Breeden Law Office at (919) 661-4970 to schedule an initial consultation with a guardianship lawyer.

Universal Caregiver Resources

Below are different types of resources available to guardians and caregivers of a loved one.

  • Family Caregiver Alliance– The Family Caregiver Alliance helps caregivers face and overcome their everyday challenges through special services and education programs.
  • The National Family Caregiver Support Program– The National Family Caregiver Support Program funds states and territories with a high population of individuals aged 70 and over. With these funds, the elderly and others in need of at-home help are able to receive better care in their homes.
  • Eldercare Locator– Eldercare Locator is a program facilitated by the U.S. Administration on Aging. By visiting their website or contacting them via phone, you can be connected to more resources that provide assistance to those who need care.
  • Next Step in Care– Next Step in Care offers guides for day-to-day living for those who are ill.
  • Lotsa Helping Hands– This website offers a calendar that is easy to use, and to keep track of appointments and more. The online community can also help out in areas that you need assistance with.
  •– This website offers a strong support system and community for caregivers and guardians.
  • Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER)– This website offers financial advice and plans for women who are caregivers.
  • National Transitions of Care Coalition– The National Transitions of Care Coalition are of a group of professionals who can help you understand the ins and outs of being a caregiver.
  • Caregiver Action Network– This website offers multiple resources such as a story-sharing platform and a peer forum so that caregivers can reach out to other caregivers for support and advice.
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Women’s Health– This website offers suggestions and advice for caregivers. It also has a comprehensive list of tips for caregivers.

Resources for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregivers

Resources for Cancer Caregivers

  • National Cancer Institute– This website offers a comprehensive list of resources for caregivers of cancer patients according to the patient’s health needs.
  • Cancer Experience Registry | Caregiver– This website runs as an online portal for cancer caregivers to share their unique experiences and learn from other caregivers.
  • American Cancer Society | Caregivers Page– This page states what to expect as a caregiver, while also providing helpful resources on how to take care of yourself through the process.
  • Help for Cancer Caregivers– This website works to keep you up to date on cancer information while also offering other various resources that will help with your caregiver duties.
  • Cancer Support Community Helpline | (888-793-9355)– You can call this number at any time for help or go on their website in order to live chat.

How Breeden Law Office Can Help

These resources offer helpful suggestions and supplemental information on how to efficiently take on the role of a caregiver while also maintaining your quality of life. If you have questions about what your rights and obligations are as a caregiver, contact Breeden Law Office right away. Attorney Jonathan Breeden will discuss your legal options and provide stress relief during the legal process so you can focus on your caregiver responsibilities.

Call Breeden Law Office today at (919) 661-4970 to schedule a consultation.

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