5 Biggest Divorce Mistakes

Written by Jonathan Breeden

May 15, 2018

Going through a divorce can be very difficult. Proceedings often feel as if they last ages, leaving you wondering if you will ever be happy or hopeful again. While you understandably want it to end as quickly as possible, it’s crucial that you avoid making major divorce mistakes. Sidestepping these issues could save you time and money.

If you want to speak to an attorney about ending your marriage, contact a divorce lawyer at Breeden Law Office. Attorney Jonathan Breeden can guide you through this difficult and important decision. Contact us today at (919) 661-4970 to schedule a consultation.

Avoid These Common Divorce Mistakes

Here are five of the biggest divorce mistakes people make:

Not Looking Ahead
You may have encountered the popular job interview question, “where do you see yourself in ten years?” That question is also one you could ask yourself about your divorce. While divorce proceedings can drag on for a long time, they don’t have to. Ask yourself how much progress you want to see in six months’ time, or even in a year. Planning ahead may help you avoid pitfalls, allowing you to move on with your new life.

Not Making Decisions with Your Head
It’s no surprise that divorce is emotional. Some people experience anger or sadness. Many feel both. It’s important that you don’t let your emotions control how you make decisions. For example, you may be furious with your ex, but refusing to work with them will only make your proceedings drag on longer. Conversely, if you’re so upset with what’s happening that you can’t put up a fight, you may walk away with nothing while your former spouse gets more than their fair share.

Allowing Others to Make Decisions for You
People often hire a divorce lawyer to help with their case. While your lawyer can offer you sound advice, don’t just defer to them on every decision. The same goes for your family and friends – all of these people have your back, but only you know what’s best for you. When working with your attorney, consider their thoughts. However, don’t be afraid to provide your own opinion, too.

Not Taking Advantage of Available Resources
People may not even consider getting a divorce because they don’t know much about the process. Luckily, there is an ample amount of resources available to educate you on the subject. You can find information online, or even through a class at a community center.

Jumping Into Another Relationship Right Away
People who feel emotional or insecure often seek out companionship to ease their pain. But getting into another relationship before your marriage is over is not a good idea. Explore life as an independent person. Take full advantage of the fresh start divorce has given you. Allow time for your wounds to heal.

Let Breeden Law Help You Avoid Making Divorce Mistakes

When you’re getting divorced, it’s important to have good legal counsel who can give you proper advice during this difficult time. Attorney Jonathan Breeden from Breeden Law Office has experience navigating the court system, and he can help you avoid making divorce mistakes that will haunt you forever. To schedule a case consultation, contact us at (919) 661-4970.


Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
