Legal Blog


What You Need to Know About Taxes & High Asset Divorces

Divorce is a complicated and emotional process, and when high-value assets are involved, the complexities increase significantly. Assets like businesses, stocks, and intellectual property are not only difficult to value but also have tax implications that can substantially impact both…

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What Happens to Intellectual Property in a Divorce?

A divorce concludes a couple’s financial dealings and divides their property fairly. You can easily imagine how this process works with houses or bank accounts. But what about high-equity and high-value assets like intellectual property? These assets might produce significant…

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7 Tips for Couples Going Through High Asset Divorces

With stock options, vacation homes, multiple vehicles, and other valuable assets, high-asset divorces can be complex. However, understanding what to expect and doing due diligence beforehand could help you protect these assets and prepare for life after divorce. 1. Assign…

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What Experts Are Needed in a High-Asset Divorce?

Money and other financial assets can significantly benefit your marriage and allow you to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. However, without the right help, a divorce involving multiple high-value assets can feel overwhelming and stressful. You may require financial experts to…

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Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
