Written by Jonathan Breeden
When a marriage ends, it is a difficult time for everyone, particularly children who are involved. They can be confused, upset, and angry with their parents and the situation, which may lead to behavioral issues or reflected in poor school performance. As a parent whose marriage has ended, you need to understand there are important issues surrounding divorce and your child at school. By anticipating and addressing these issues, you can work with your child’s other parent to lessen any potential problems.
Child custody attorney Jonathan Breeden understands the complex issues couples face when they make the decision to end their marriage. He can help guide you through the process to minimize problems related to parenting after divorce, many of which surround a child’s education.
To schedule an initial case consultation, call (919) 661-4970 today, or reach out through the online form.
When trouble arises between parents, and sometimes between a divorced parent and their child’s school, it often relates to confusion surrounding custody. There are two types of custody: legal and physical.
Legal custody means a parent has decision-making authority regarding a child’s education. If divorced parents with joint legal custody can’t agree, they turn to the courts to settle the matter. Physical custody, on the other hand, means the parent has physical control of the child, but usually must allow contact with the other parent. Parenting orders generally spell out all the details surrounding the type of custody you and your ex share, and the rules concerning schedules and other details.
By using an experienced divorce attorney, you can help lessen the chance of problems arising around a child’s education and school-related activities. But even the best parenting plan can’t anticipate everything, and a plan is only good if everyone involved adheres to it.
Some common school-related issues that arise during and after a divorce include:
There may be times when it’s in the child’s best interest to change schools, whether moving from a district or going to a private school. Making such a change may upset one parent because commute times increase or more costs involved.
Unilaterally scheduling a child into several school activities can also be a problem because it might impede visitation schedules or cause transportation and financial hardship.
The parenting order should consider most holidays, but there are in-service days or inclement weather that can close school. Failing to have a plan for those times can become a hot button issue for parents.
Unless there is a specific court order terminating parental rights, typically both parents are entitled to access a child’s school records.
Failure by one parent to make sure a child attends school and is not late is another area of concern that can cause friction between divorced parents.
Some parents try to block new romantic partners or even the family of their ex from picking up a child from school or attending events.
Sometimes you may not be successful in working with your former spouse on a school-related issue, and the situation just can’t continue without getting resolved. For those times, family law attorney Jonathan Breeden can help. He’s worked with countless families to help resolve such issues. Nothing is more important than helping your child find stability at home and school after divorce.
If you’re having problems with school-related issues and your ex, call Breeden Law Office today at (919) 661-4970, or reach out online.