FAQ for Divorced Parents

Written by Jonathan Breeden

October 14, 2024

Co-parenting after divorce can be challenging. Finding a way to parent successfully with your former spouse requires patience, civility, and sometimes a thick skin. Although your divorce has been resolved, there may be ongoing issues related to custody and child support. This FAQ for divorced parents offers insight into common problems and concerns.

When you’re dealing with important issues that impact your child, you need a family lawyer you can count on. Breeden Law Office provides responsive and qualified legal representation at all stages of your parenting relationship. Call us now at (919) 661-4970 or use our online contact form.

Can I terminate the other parent’s rights if they don’t use their visitation?

Termination of parental rights is a very serious matter and is only undertaken when there is neglect or abuse. It’s important for children to have relationships with both their parents. Instead, try working with the other parent to adjust the schedule in a way that will make it more likely they will use their time.

The other parent is not paying their child support. What do I do?

Child support orders are enforceable in court. If the other parent is missing payments, you should talk to your attorney who can help you seek enforcement.

I don’t like my ex’s new partner. How can I keep my child away from them?

After your divorce, each of you are entitled to move on with your lives by having new relationships. It can be an adjustment for you and your child when your ex has a new partner. However, unless that new partner presents a danger to your child it’s best to find a way for everyone to get along.

I don’t think that our child custody order is fair. Can I get it changed?

In North Carolina you can seek to change your custody order if there has been a change in circumstances since the order was issued. A change could include things like your child is in a school with a different schedule or you have a new job that requires you to work weekends.

My child won’t go on visitation. Am I going to get in trouble?

It’s common for children of divorce to sometimes be resistant to the visitation schedule or to feel angry with one parent or another. The visitation schedule is a court order that everyone in the family has to follow. Your child might not want to go to school some days, but they have to. Visitation is similar. It’s best if you and your ex try to work together to get to the bottom of the resistance. Counseling can be helpful. If there is a serious concern that requires a change in the custody plan, contact our office.

My ex got a promotion and a raise. Am I entitled to more child support?

Child support is calculated based on both parents’ incomes. An increase or decrease in income can be the basis for a modification.

Our teenager has decided he wants to live with the other parent. Is this up to him?

While teenagers are considered old enough to have important input into custody matters, they are not in control. A court will take your teen’s opinion into consideration, but the custody decision is made based on what is in the child’s best interest.

I got a job in another state and need to move. My ex won’t agree. Can I just leave?

No. The best way to resolve this kind of situation is to work out a new parenting plan that will give the other parent ongoing contact with the child. If you can’t agree, you will have a relocation hearing in court where the judge will make a decision based on what is in the child’s best interests.

Have More Questions About Divorce? Call Us Now

You and your ex will be parenting together until your child becomes an adult. When problems arise, you need a family lawyer you can turn to. Breeden Law Office is your advocate for all of your North Carolina custody and child support issues. Reach us now at (919) 661-4970 or use our online contact form for the help you need.


Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
