Legal Blog


FAQ for Divorced Parents

Co-parenting after divorce can be challenging. Finding a way to parent successfully with your former spouse requires patience, civility, and sometimes a thick skin. Although your divorce has been resolved, there may be ongoing issues related to custody and child…

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Can I Pay No Child Support If My Ex Agrees?

One of the biggest issues to resolve when a relationship with children ends is that of child support. Child support is the money paid towards health, education, housing, and general welfare needs of children when their parents separate. While this…

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Divorce and Your Child at School

When a marriage ends, it is a difficult time for everyone, particularly children who are involved. They can be confused, upset, and angry with their parents and the situation, which may lead to behavioral issues or reflected in poor school…

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Family Vacations After a Divorce

A lot changes after getting a divorce. Your daily life with your kids is forced to evolve. You have to navigate new schedules and dynamics. You suddenly have to share or split birthdays and holidays. So much changes that it’s…

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Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
