Legal Blog


Who Claims a Child on Taxes After Divorce?

One of the biggest changes families deal with post-divorce are the financial implications. Going from a two-income household to a one-income household can have a dramatic impact on your family. This includes the way you file your taxes. As many…

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Steps to File for Divorce in North Carolina

Filing for divorce in North Carolina can be a long and drawn-out process, or it could be a straightforward affair. It depends on the issues and the level of cooperation between those involved. You must fully complete all the forms,…

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How to Sell a House During a Divorce

One of the most hotly contested topics during divorce is the family home. The house you bought as a married couple probably represents one of the most significant financial investments you made, and there is likely a lot to consider….

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North Carolina Divorce Checklist

Deciding to file or filing for divorce can feel overwhelming. Having a checklist helps you take control of the situation and feel more comfortable moving forward. Learn what anyone seeking a divorce in North Carolina should have on their to-do…

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Divorce In North Carolina: What You Need To Know

A book by Jonathan Breeden
